Lab Team 2021:

Meet our Previous Lab Members from 2021:

Jess Aitken
Jess has a background in education and psychology. Her research interests lay broadly in the area of social development, especially the way in which parenting and aspects of the child (such as temperament) work together to support young children’s growing ability to help and cooperate with others. Jess helps with admin and training in the CMND Lab, helps run the Early Learning Lab’s long-term cooperation study, and lectures in undergrad courses PSYCH 200 and PSYCH 326.

Megha Jadia
MSc Student
Meg joined the CNMD Lab in 2020 as a Masters student working with Dr. Christopher Erb and Dr. Raamy Majeed from the School of Philosophy at UoA. Her thesis focuses on understanding the ‘hot’ cognitive aspects of executive control with an emotionally-laden Stroop test. Her thesis explores topics in facial perception, emotional intelligence and cognitive control in adults.

Isabella Kite
Honours Student
Isabella joined the lab as an Honours student in 2019 after completing her bachelor’s degree in computer science. She currently works as a Research and Development Software Engineer for an artificial intelligence company called Soul Machines. Her research in the CMND Lab explores how virtual reality systems can be used to record hand and eye movements while participants complete psychological tasks in immersive, three-dimensional environments.

Sam Newton-Jones
Honours Student
Sam joined the CMND lab as an Honours student in 2021 after completing a Graduate Diploma in psychology at the University of Auckland. Sam’s research interests involve using manual dynamics to understand the development of cognitive control and attention across the lifespan.

Kimberly Thio
Undergraduate Student
Kim is an undergraduate conjoint student of Psychology and Global Politics & Human Rights who joined the lab in 2021. She is currently working on a project investigating how various types of conflict impact performance on tasks designed to place demands on controlled attention.

Sarah Chung
Undergraduate Student
Sarah is an undergraduate student in Bachelor of Advanced Sciences specialising in Psychology. She is support research projects investigating the dynamics of rule switching. Her primary interests involve the psychological process children undergo during development, and how varying environmental factors affect cognitive control.